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发布于:2022-01-07 作者:jason 阅读:535

艺术是夸姣的,却也是高冷的,总有一些艺术作品咱们一般晓得他的重要性和优良,却赏识不来。那么有哪些音乐家、画家或艺术家的作品是你怎么都喜爱不起来的呢 ? 咱们来看一篇难度中等、合适基础一般的同学备考操练的托福独立口语真题:Which musician, painter or artist's work do you not like? Why does their work not appeal to you?

Which musician, painter or artist's work do you not like? Why does their work not appeal to you?

你不喜爱哪位音乐家、画家或艺术家的作品 ? 阐明你的理由。


Picasso is one of the most important artists of all time, but his works just aren ’ t my cup of tea. Here is why the Master of Cubism doesn ’ t float my boat.

Firstly, I

don ’ t get any aesthetic frisson looking at his paintings. It ’ s not because I ’ m not into art; I am fascinated by Renaissance oil paintings, for instance. But when I look at some of Picasso ’ s works — the Guernica, for example — it really takes time for me to figure out what it is that he was trying to express.

Second, I dislike the way he portrayed women. To illustrate how bloody the war was in the 1940s, he distorted women ’ s bodies, bending them this way and that. I am particularly haunted by their staring eyes, which are used to depict how women suffered not only physical destruction but also mental injury.

Picasso 是一切年代最重要的艺术家之一。但他的作品不是我喜爱的。这就是为啥立体主义不主浮船。首要,我没有得就任何审美愉悦看着他的画。我能了解一些作品的巨大之处,比方文艺复兴时期的油画。但当我看到 Picasso 的一些作品,例如,的格尔尼卡,这真的需要我理解它是啥,他想表达的时刻。其次,我不喜爱他所描绘的女人,真的。为了阐明 20 世纪 40 年代战争是多么血腥,他曲解了妇女的身体,用这种方法曲折她们,双眼盯着她们,标明女人不只遭受肉体上的损坏,而且遭受精力上的损伤。

【Notes 笔记 】

1. Outline


R1: don ’ t have aesthetic frisson 看毕加索的作品不会因为画作而振奋

R2: don ’ t appreciate the way he portrayed women in his work 不喜爱他在画作中描绘女人的方法

2. Vocabulary

my cup of tea:不是我的菜,我并不赏识


Master of Cubism:立体主义大师

float sb ’ s boat 使或人感快乐喜爱


aesthetic frisson:因赏识到美而振奋


Guernica 格尔尼卡 毕加索名画之一

以上就是关于托福独立口语基础段真题 Which musician, painter or artist's work do you not like? Why does their work not appeal to you? 的高分范文与要点思路共享,托福独立口语是最合适基础段同学前进本身多方面口语才能的备考材料,特别是各类不一样难度的真题更是咱们备考的上上之选。期望各位童鞋充分学习优良答复中值得学习的当地,经过操练与总结获得口语水平的逐步前进。

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