首页 - 成人英语 > 法律英语口语900句介绍


发布于:2023-01-07 作者:jason 阅读:1000

法律英语在英语国家里被叫做Legal Language或Language of theLaw,即法律语言。英语外教网为大伙整理了一些法律英语口语900句,期望对你的英语口语有帮助,欢迎阅读!

1.法律英语口语900句 篇一

1.A trust can be presumed by operation of law.

2.A trust may be created orally,but usually is set up in a written form.

3.He left his property in trust for his daguhter.


4.He will be found liable if he assists a trustee to commit a dishonest breach of trust.

5.The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor.

6.The trust instrument msut identify the trust property,the trustee,and the beneficiariess,and state the terms of the trust.

7.The trustee must manage the trust property for the beneficiary.

8.To the beneficiary the trustee owes a fiduciary duty.

9.Trusts developed out of the old English use.

10.Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant.

2.法律英语口语900句 篇二

1.Can I bring criminal charges against a seller for an anti-consumer action?

2.Consumers are entitled to choose their own commodities or services.

3.He sought to hold the manufacturer of the article liable for defects.

4.If the seller of goods does not live up to the standards of conduct and performance set by the licensing agency,loss of license can result.

5.The consumer will enjoy increasing protection by the law.

6.The Federal Trade Commission has the broadest consumer protection duties.

7.The fraud case has been covered by the consumer protection legislation.

8.The law also provides that the consumer has the right to cancel any door-to-door contract.

9.This law has been formulated to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

10.When a consumer suit is won,the seller is likely to be required to pay damages.

3.法律英语口语900句 篇三


1.A child is considered legally incapable of committing a crime.

2.All juvenile records are closed and confidential at the court’s discretion.

3.Being a minor,he would not be charged as an adu1t for a criminal act.

4.Having taken the age of the accused into consideration,the court has decided to give him a suspended sentence.

5.When the offense was committed,he was under the age of majority.

6.The appeal court quashed the care order made by the juvenile court.

7.The emphasis in juvenile courts is upon rehabilitation of youthful offenders rather than punishment.

8.The juvenile court may expunge or destroy the records of a juvenile at any time.

9.The juvenile delinquent was sent to the reformatory.

4.法律英语口语900句 篇四

1.Both express authority and implied authority can create agency.

2.Citizens and legal persons may perform civil juristic acts through agents.

3.He was acting in a fiduciary capacity.

4.Legal ownership rests with the trustee,and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary.

5.She was empowered by the company to sign the contract.

6.The agent is empowered to sell the property.

7.The agreement covers all agencies.

8.The principal may be obligated as if it had expressly granted the authority to agent.

9.They signed an agency agreement.

10.The third party and the agent shall be held jointly liable.

5.法律英语口语900句 篇五

1.A person may own land notwithstanding that another has an ea百度竞价推广ent,such as a right of way,over it.

2.A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possessions belong him.

3.He is the de jure owner of the property.

4.His title to the property is defective.

5.Marital property is the same as community property and is divided equally upon divorce.

6.One independent object can only and only needs to establish one property right.

7.One should enjoy his property in such a manner as not to injure that of another person.

8.Ownership has been described asthe entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law.

9.Ownership in indivision is ended by a partition of the property.

10.The ownership of the company has passed to bank.



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标签: #property #英语口语 #trust #法律 #juvenile


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