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写作练习 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:35 -考试是好还是坏?

发布于:2025-02-01 作者:jason 阅读:30

写作练习 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:35 -考试是好还是坏?.为帮助大家做好四六级、专四专八、考研等各类英语考试的准备与复习,平台即日起推出英文写作系列,同时提供高分范文和范文音频,既可以背诵培养语感,也可以收听练习听力。(关注本站,持续更新基础英语考研资料,不定时发放英语大礼包)


When we entered primary school, we started to work hard in the hope of passing the examinations. There is no doubt that examinations have become part of students' lives. As it is so important for us, we have to take a correct attitude towards examinations. So, are examinations harmful or useful?


Exams Are Useful

There has been a heated debate over the pros and cons of exams. On balance, I hold the contention that exams are useful rather than harmful.

Granted, the ultimate purpose of any education is to disseminate knowledge rather than pass exams. An undue emphasis on the importance of exams may serve to undermine this purpose. If students only cram for tests 0ne or two weeks before the exams without really learning anything, such an education undoubtedly fails to fulfill its function. On the other hand, it is undeniable that exams are a useful device to gauge students' academic performance, It may not reflect exactly how well a pupil has grasped a subject; however, it provides some information which also guides further study. Additionally, since exams have been employed to distinguish excellence from the mediocrity, it motivates students to reach for their potentials as well. After all, we live in a competitive world; and it is obligatory for schools to impart a sense of competition to pupils.

In the final analysis, the merits of the exam system outweigh its demerits. Nevertheless, students should not study merely for the sake of passing exams. Instead, they should make acquiring knowledge the ultimate goal of study. (202 words)


写作练习 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:35 -考试是好还是坏?

1.Some people argue that an overheated competition engendered by exams may do students a disservice.


2.It is advantageous to impose the exam system for the following two reasons.


3.I propose that exams should only make up for part of a student’s evaluation.

4.Attendance,participation and assignments should also account for some points.


5.Apart from a test of knowledge, exams also test how students perform under pressure.


写作练习 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:35 -考试是好还是坏?



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标签: #Exams #students #范文 #考试 #examinations


